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The stereotypical gay boy who think he's God's gift to the world. The egotistical, narcissistic pieces of shit who won't even talk to you unless they want to fuck you. They objectify all men, especially straight men, and have no qualms about sexual predation and making straight men extremely uncomfortable. The kind that will immediately block you on Grindr if you refuse to send a face pic, even if you are only looking to talk, and not for a hookup. Just like the Hostess twinkie, they taste good but have no nutritional value and are extremely bad for you in large quantities. These guys get by solely on their looks, but either they have no personality, or they are vain, shallow pieces of subhuman waste that deserve to die getting gangraped in a dark back alley. They give gay men everywhere bad names and are why religious people hate homosexuals and why there are gay concentration camps in Chechnya. Literally a blight on society and humanity as a whole.

Dude, stay away from that faggot, he's a total twinkie.

by TheRealRoman89 August 4, 2018

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