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Catholic Mass

The strongest prayer in the Universe. It is when the priest turns bread and wine in to the Body and Blood of Christ. When you recieve the Eucharist which is Jesus's Mystical Body, into yourself unifying yourself within Him. Jesus is not alone in the Eucharist though... Jesus is accompanied by the Father and the Holy Spirit, and all the rest of Heaven. If you have lost a friend or a loved one and you recieve the Eucharist, you recieve them as well allong with all the Saints and the Martyrs in Heaven. In other words, the Catholic Mass is a miracle that happens nowhere else on Earth, and you witness Christ himself, veiled behind bread and wine.

The Catholic Mass will mean nothing to you unless you know and believe in the Trinity.( The Trinity is one Gon in three divine persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.)

by TheRealTruth10548 November 7, 2019

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