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noun. Acronym for "Don't Look Up's Sophistry." The Netflix movie, "Don't Look Up," graphically and convincingly details the idiocy and self-serving willfully obtuse sophistry of world leaders in general. Anglicized to form, "delus." See entry for "delus."

Origin of word, "delus," is from the acronym: DLUS "Don't Look Up's Sophistry".

1. a plan of action that is mind-boggling inept, ignorant, and stupid--its only brilliance is in political expedience and a self-serving all-consuming lust for power at all costs.

"It turns out that "delus" came from a movie about how stupid humans can be. DLUS stands for: 'Don't Look Up's Sophistry'."

They had a real shot at saving the planet from a comet, but threw it away. They seem to behave exactly the same way regarding our impending ecological collapse due to global poverty and overpopulation...classic DLUS."

by TheScout2014 January 2, 2022


delus noun

de·lus \ di-ˈlüs , dē- \
Essential Meaning of delus
1: a belief that is not true, leading to detrimental actions: false ideas but with the added meaning of being knowing and willfully untrue machinations to the end of personal wealth and influence, myopically to the detriment of the entire planet.

2: a false idea or belief that is caused by mental illness or abject ignorance.

3: something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated, typically to an idiotic and selfish political end at great cost to all.

4a: a persistent false psychotic and/or inept to the point of idiotic belief, disregarding large-scale dramatic risks for small-scale (personal) gain. Archaic ideologies outside the self that are maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary that those ideologies have become invalid.
4b: the act of tricking or deceiving someone to the end of wide-spread destruction and death, even to oneself: the state of being trapped in one’s own mind to the extent that political ambitions are all that matter—and even the most dire real-world consequences are irrelevant.

Other Words from delus
delusian \ di-ˈlüs-si-un , dē- \ adjective. of, relating to, or resembling delus
delusianize \ di-ˈlüs-si-un-īz , dē- \ verb. cause to be, or conform to, or resemble delusian in nature.

1. "The organization’s delus regarding how they define “abject poverty,” gives the appearance that they are making progress and worthy of being funded—when the opposite is true and their programs only exacerbate it with greedy apathy."

"He is living/laboring as a delusian world citizen, refusing to accept ecological personal responsibility for all the children he is fathering."

"She delusianized all attempts to wipe out global poverty and species extinction, making herself a small fortune in the process."

"Programs exist to wipe out global poverty and species extinction, by reigning in human overpopulation with incentivized conception control--but in the depths of their delus world leaders refuse to even permit their discussion."

2. "As the illness progressed, his delus took over and the politically-expedient decrees of his handlers became his own—he showed utter disregard for the best interests of the planet or his own people."

3. "They were evidently under the delus that a cancer can kill its host without also dying."

"Myopic delus of grandeur suggested to them that they were “winning” in their lives, and that all their offspring would continue to live opulent lifestyles, despite the global misery from their policies."

4b: "The new movie accuses world leaders of practicing delusian arts to the end of planetary suicide."

by TheScout2014 January 2, 2022