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a beautiful girl who has black hair. she is absoloutly stunning and a guy couldnt want more. she has a great personality and a great body, beautiful brown eyes, and a gorgeous angelic face. she is wonderful and although she laughs at a lot of thing it feels good when she laughs at your joke. her sense of humor is great. a stunning girl who you want to nail.

i wish i was a hammer so i could nail aidan
aidan is so funny i wanna touch her tits

damn that girl is hot whats her name...aidan

by TheSexual January 4, 2017

6👍 4👎


the only video game that will get you laid. a god compared to cod cod is a plebian compared to battlefield. battle field includes realistic action driving vehicles realistic guns and amazing shit. cod is a limp dick of a video game.

holy shit did you hear about the new battlefield? it makes cod look like a limp chode and bf look like a goddamn mix of ron jeremy and lexingtion steele with a little bit of michael bays exploding sperm....NUUUUT

by TheSexual January 9, 2017

75👍 16👎