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A disease common consisting of an obsession-rational or otherwise-with a fictional world, character, or state of being.

Symptoms include:

-Hyperventilating, shrieking, etc. at the mention of said fictional state

-Excessive discussion of said fictional state

-Belief that this fictional state is, in fact, a reality.

This ailment affects a large majority of the world's population. If one has never attained it, they are typically viewed as as "dull" or "lifeless." A cure has yet to be discovered.

Gracie was diagnosed with fictionitis when her friends noted her ceaseless blabbering about the said "Fault in Our Stars."

Jennifer had come to the conclusion that she had attained fictionitis when she failed to go a minute without squealing to her friends "Tobias Eaton is too hot for words!"

by TheSmexiNinjaOfHogwarts March 3, 2014


So exhausted and tired that one flops down upon the couch and is too pooped to say both "exhausted" and "tired" as separate words and therefore combines them.

Rose face planted in the center of the lunch room and mumbled "I'm so exaustired."

by TheSmexiNinjaOfHogwarts March 1, 2014