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Archbishop John Carroll High School

A fucking pathetic excuse for an educational institution in Radnor, Pennsylvania. The student body is overwhelmingly comprised of legitimate fucking retards. You honestly can't tell the actual tard section apart from the rest of the school most of the time. There are 3 good teachers in the entire fucking school. The sports fucking suck except for like field hockey and that's fucking it. Oh yeah Will Smith went here for like a fucking week but he left because the school fucking sucks dick and ass and balls. The language department is fucking awful. They offer 3 languages, being Latin, Spanish, and French, and they all fucking suck. The teachers are fucking old lesbian bitches. Academics here are a joke. The lunch food fucking gives you every type of cancer known to man. The only people who actually have school pride are the weird ass theater and band kids, as well as around 3% of the graduating class. Everyone here goes to a fucking shitty, generic college with few exceptions. In conclusion, you're better off sending your children to Radnor High public school right down the road.

I fucking hate Archbishop John Carroll High School, I'm transferring to Radnor. Fuck this school and everyone in it.

by TheTardDiaries November 8, 2018

13👍 13👎