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She may turn out to be the nicest person that you'll ever meet but shes not all there. Kate is a mentally challenged deranged "clingy" girl that will tell you how hard she has it in life, when she never thinks of anyone but herself. She may come out with stupid/random sayings that bear no relation to the conversation just to be a random when no one actually gives a shit. Whenever an event comes up and someone is against her, she truly thinks that SHE has done NOTHING wrong. Beware when in Kate's eye she will become super attracted to you to the point of wanting to date you, so ladies beware! Also when talking to a Kate do not tell her anything of your personal life cause Kate is a gossiper and will spread your tales to random people around in the world. To sum it up Kate is just a stupid that pretty much always f--ks up her friendships all over one person, guy or girl.

1) Stan: Hey did you guys see the Who play at last year's superbowl?
Stacey: Yeah that shit was awesome
John: I thought they sucked
Stacey: O.o
John: Wtf?

2) Kate meets a new friend who lives in New York and she is in California. Kate becomes so obsessed with her that she moves to New York and leaves all her old friends behind. In the end her friend from New York break ties with her and Kate is all alone.

by TheTrollUnderYourBed June 8, 2010

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