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myspace name

a myspace name is a nickname a person uses as their name on myspace. it often rhymes and is composed of two words the first, being their first name, the second being either their middle name or a noun or adjective or acronym. these two words often start with the same letter.Some people set their second half of their myspace name in brackets. It gives people with boring names a sense of origninality.Its most popular among the scene kids.

"Billy:omg! i saw Stephanie Scenecore at Gone Baby Gone last week!
Sue:Stephanie who?
Billy:Stephanie Scenecore, its her myspace name
Sue: OH YEAH! shes the one that has that contest site!"

other various made up examples:
"Kayla {Kick-Off}"
"Via Ellie Top"

by TheWalletGirl February 3, 2007

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