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War Horse

Someone who is brave, tough, has great senses (eyesight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste), and has quick reflexes all combined into one well built, athletic body. Warhorses can also be stronger than the average person, and they can also be very sexy. Warhorses are usually lone wolves, they don't talk to people much, but when they do, they can give you a load of useful information.

Man, that guy is such a war horse! He got hit by a car and he's still walking!

Look at that amazing girl! her reflexes are so fast that she can dodge almost anything! She must be a war horse!

by TheWarHorse100 March 7, 2019


Something you have to take in order to get W's

Sometimes, no matter how skilled you are, you have to take L's

by TheWarHorse100 August 23, 2019

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


What 12-year-olds think they can do to someone online

12 year old: If you kill me again I'll DDos you!
Player: Go ahead, you can't do shit

by TheWarHorse100 October 10, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž