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snake plant

The Snake Plant, or “ Sansevieria trifasciata” is a green succulent that survives in both humid and arid conditions. Most commonly known for being in the home or apartment of every basic white girl going through a “boho” decor phase. Better start saving up for these elegant plants, she’ll never be satisfied with just one.

Her: “I got a white pot and we are going to put the cutest snake plant in it.”
Him: “Another one? That’s like $90!”
Her: “Do you want me to sleep with you or no?”

by TheWholeBrand July 10, 2021


Few have conquered, many have fallen. Boys have become men, and men have become women. Controllers have been thrown on the ground, Xboxes have been smashed, and mom got mad at you for your foul language. Rust is the best map ever made by Infinity Ward in Call of Duty Modern Warfare. Rust is a small desert map in a fictional oil field. This map made its first appearance in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Its popularity has grown from its small size as players dish out a “1v1” to find out who is the better player. The winner never really wins as chances are they have no life, no friends, and still masturbate in the shower.

Popular sayings:
“I’m gonna toss your salad.”
“Hardcore means everything is one shot.”

“dude I don’t want to play with you anymore.”
“Snipers only”
“360 no scopes only”
“I lost because my controller glitched”
“Your mom is a fat bitch”
“LAG, I can’t play with all this lag.”
“Bro screw this map”
“I hate Call of Duty.”

“1v1 me on Rust dude”

by TheWholeBrand July 10, 2021