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1.) Regular people just like you and I but with an outlook on life that isn't about following what other people do, but just doing their own thing.

2.) A person who is ridiculed for doing their own thing and living life their way.

3.) A person who gets judged and labeled for what they wear and how they act.

A Goth is someone that follows what they believe rather than what other people believe. Rather than following the latest trends, they create their own.

Goths are constantly ridiculed for doing their own thing rather than what other people are doing. People judge Goths all the time just because they act and dress differently. That doesn't mean they're bad people. It just means they're different.

In highschool, the only crowd i hung out with was Goths. And they're the nicest people i've met.

by The_Best_Who_Ever_Lived March 30, 2009