Source Code

Brownie Gun

The human tuckus (a.k.a. butt). Plain and simple.

That fart came out of Johnny's brownie gun so loud and obscure that Bill Cosby asked if there was a load in his pants

by The_Buddy November 22, 2010

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Wrist Piece

A watch. Usually a high class watch, such as a Rolex, IWC, or other Swiss-made watch. However, a high dollar watch to the working class could be a Fossil, Nixon, or Guess.

John Jacob- "Woah, better check your wrist piece, we got to get to the House of Blues real soon! I don't want to miss the Bowling For Soup/Good Charlotte concert."

Martin- "I know, this traffic jam is at least a mile long. My $40,000 Platinum IWC Pilot watch reads 7:49. We got 11 minutes."

John Jacob- "Why is the traffic even backed up so far?"

Martin- "There is a grand opening of a Chik-Fil-A up ahead"

John Jacob- "Eet mor chikin"

by The_Buddy November 17, 2010

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Boeing bomb

Projectile human feces that is jettisoned from an aircraft. In this case, a Boeing aircraft.

After finishing his green bean casserole, Steve had to defecate, so he headed to the bathroom. The male flight attendant said he had to wait approximately 3 minutes for the Boeing to jettison the fecal matter.

These Boing bombs are easily identifiable on earth by the peanuts left behing in the boeing bomb.

by The_Buddy April 19, 2011

12πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Krispy Kreme Diet

A feeble attempt at a prayer of a diet.

Joanna- "I'm so fat"

April- "To be honest, you really are fat"

Joanna- "I read about the Krispy Kreme Diet in the funnies yesterday, maybe it works"

April- "Ooooo, tastey and inginious!"

(4 weeks later, after a diet of 3 Krispy Kreme donuts daily)

Joanna- "I think this diet is working! My scale says ERR, which i think stands for something good"

(Joanna's brother David overhears the conversation)

David- "No, it means error because you're so fat the scale can't handle the load upon it"

Joanna- "You're just mad because i ate your box of twinkies"

David- "Wow, that makes you even fatter, fatty."

by The_Buddy January 25, 2010

5πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


What fancy people call water.

Dart- "Hey Boyd, wheres all the pellegrino?"

Boyd- "Wheres the what now?

Dart- "Ya know, the water, im thirsty after i ate the rest of the generic fritos and rice"

Boyd- "Just call it water next time, dill hole"

by The_Buddy January 9, 2012

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Vocal cords

Man alive, check out the pipes on Damon. He just sung the McDonalds jingle spot-on key!! I'm lovin' it!!

by The_Buddy December 30, 2014

Richard Cox

A name given to a child only by a parent who really wants to hate their child and one day and ruin their high school reputation and lower their ego.

Substitute teacher Mr. Butkis- "Is Richard Cox here? or does he go by Dick? Dick Cox? Are you present?"

Marvin-"(pointing his finger) Dick boy is right over there! HAHA your name is 2 private parts!!!!"

(Richard Cox runs out of the room and heads toward the cafeteria to eat his pain away, since Marvin Crushed his reputation)

by The_Buddy January 15, 2010

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