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They’re always talked trash about and are always perceived as fake. They show a confident arrogant front but that’s only cause they’re SUPER insicure. She longs for the perfect movie romance sense she was like 4 and all she wants is a best friend. With all the “best friends” she’s had, she’s been put in second place. Her best friends are opposites of herself cause she can’t stand her personality. She loves having boys in her life (boyfriends, guy friends, dad, brother, (dream of having sons) cause she thinks they liven things up. You can’t always tell when her smile is fake, but when you see her real smile it means you have a superpower. She’s super good at taking and giving social cues, but sometimes she hates it cause she can always tell when people are trying to get rid of her or forgot about her. She always doubt’s herself and when sh’e giving up on you dont play hard to get cause she wont try to get u back. She not good a professional dancing but she still loves being on stage and is not afraid of truth or dare. She’s frikin crazy and if she doesn’t like something she wont do it. On the other hand, when it comes to people if shew doesn’t like someone she’ll never say anything to them unless she breaks (which takes a lot) She cries during movies but it takes a lot to make her really cry. If someone messes with or her friend she’ll make them feel like an idiot (she knows how to go bitch mode) if that doesn’t wor punches will be thrown. I know this stuff personally.

I am a Julia.

by The_real_juju February 15, 2019

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