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meth biscuit

Biscuit referring to the measurement of the weight of an ounce.

It smells like there must be a Biscuit (meth biscuit)Factory in that trailer park.

by Theallamericancaveman August 6, 2017

Hot Rail

A way of consuming particularly methamphetamine by vaporizing it. Using a straight shot or a bubble apply extreme heat thoroughly and diligently to the biggest opening (using a Bic or a lit candle or if you have a gas stove well any kind of flame but preferably a butane for any kind of torch really to ensure proficient heat elevation) assuming you already have it crushed up and in lines once you achieve the proper temperature place the end of what you did not heat up to your nostril and inhale the vaporized methamphetamine and exhale the vapor (Caution if it is not properly heated it will not vaporize and it's likely that you will get molten dope that will scar the inside of your nostril) ( Warning it will also give you superhuman Powers such as seen into the future and or telekinesis as well as superhuman mental agility and Physical Agility results May Vary for first timers I'd highly suggest doing it under the propper supervision always Hot Rail responsibly. Don't Hot Rail and drive) prices and participation may vary. Coming to a Hood near you.

He is only showboating with the gram Hot Rail(s) trying to flex them Breezies believe me.

by Theallamericancaveman August 6, 2017

227👍 45👎


A weight measurement the equivalent of an ounce mostly used in reference to crystal methamphetamine as well as other various styles of methamphetamine

If you're trying to get the good shit it's going to cost you a lil Loot because he only sells biscuit(s)

by Theallamericancaveman August 6, 2017

2👍 2👎