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Jayda T

Jayda T is a god-like and amazing person. She is often known to be independent, a great cook and also a very loving mother. She loves to party and have fun with her friends and looks alcohol as a problem solution. She is a great kisser but only saves this talent for the special people. She is unapologetic and always keeps her guard up. She loves to race and be athletic but inside the laziest person on earth. She has goals and keeps her money stability as her number one priority. Jayda T is a beautiful and insane person. If you let her go, you're literally stupid.

Boy: " I missed you so much"
Jayda T: " Shiii who wouldn't, I'd miss my pretty ass too"


Boy: "Jayda T, will you be my soulmate"
Jayda T: " No, I don't have a soul"
Boy: *kills himself from rejection*

by Thegoatdlimshady November 22, 2021


Jaydamuk is a very unique and outstanding person. They are selfless and overprotective to the point where they would do ANYTHING to protect the ones they love. They are hardworking, independent individuals and play by their own rules. They use humour and sarcasm to hide their emotions although are very sensitive. They are always keen for anything to do with 'FUN'. They are one of a kind and definitely trustworthy. They are genuine and always wanting to help others which defines their beauty and intelligence. They are somewhat creative and quiet but around comfort they can be loud and extremely fun. Jaydamuk is the type of person you want in your life. Strong-minded, trustworthy, independent, good advice giver and so much more.

What is the definition of AMAZING? It's "Jaydamuk".

by Thegoatdlimshady November 21, 2021