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A person who imposes their religious ideals onto other people thus totally ignoring the fact that by doing this they are violating that persons right to their personal religious freedoms. A faggot tends to be very vocal and militant in the spread of their ideals, and it is not uncommon for them to act aggressive verbally or in some extreme cases even physically.

If you ever encounter a faggot is strongly suggested by those with common sense and decency to take caution and be ready for condescending attitudes and total arrogance as well as cowardice when engaging them in any verbal or physical type of conflict.

Example 1.

1. Person 1: "Look that guy has a sign that says Fags die God laughs"

Person 2: "Ugh what a faggot. I am gonna go give this dipshit a piece of my mind."

Person 1: "No don't do that they are impossible to logically reason with."

Person 2: "Hey what the fuck is up with your stupid sign?"

Person 3: "I am spreading the gospel and if you don't like it than tough shit I have a first amendment right."

Person 2: "You do have a first amendment right but so do I and I am about to use it to show everyone here what a dipshit you are."

Person 3: "Is that so?"

Person 2: "So you hate gays huh?"

Person 3: "No God hates fags."

Person 2: "Prove it"

Person 3: "Read the bible it's in there."

Person 2: "The bible says lots of things like those track pants you are wearing are evil. Mixed fabrics are an abomination along with shellfish crustaceans shaving and cutting your hair. You look shaven and cut your hair and are wearing mixed fabrics so that is three abominations you got going there. Good luck on your trip to hell you fuckin faggot. On the way down maybe you should read that book which you claim to know so much."
Example 2.

2. Person 1: "Abortion is murder! Life begins at conception!!!"

Person 2: "Says who?"

Person 1: "Says GOD!!!"

Person 2: "Conception is just sperm entering an ovary that is not a human being."

Person 1: "God says it is!"

Person 2: "Geez your such a faggot."

by Theguythatfightsadversity November 3, 2011

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