White trash coming from Pittsburgh, PA and the surrounding areas in western, PA, eastern, OH, and northeast WV. Very frequently inbred, under educated, and retarded, the yinzer is a simple breed, speaking in a dialect often referred to as "Pittsburghese", characterized by the fictional word, "Yinz". The Yinzer is a willfully ignorant species, fully believing that pittsburgh is the best city in america simply because said yinzer has never been more than 20 miles from pittsburgh.
Yinzer: "YInz gahn'a stilurz game dahn at hahnz fiild"
Human:" Are you guys going to a steelers game down at heinz field?"
Yinzer: " Dahn by maa haas"
Human: "Down by My House"
Yinzer: " Da Yinz caeer need fixed?"
Human: "Does your car need to be fixed?"
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