A girl whoâs nice to everyone but keeps it real, especially to her close friends and family. Even if her opinion is controversial, she isnât a pussy when it comes to saying it.
âThat girl Diya over there helped me with my homework and then called me an idiot slut who everyone pretends to likeâ
âBuy a Diya mug for your identical twin and husband Bernie
Very honest but one sided. So stubborn that she wonât listen to anybody else, making her the most close minded person youâll ever meet. Probably one of those people who still thinks instagram reels are better than tiktoks. Unsanitary when it comes to COVID. Probably has really ugly glasses. Pretty eyes tho. And wholesome.
âThat girl Gursimer told me I have the ugliest face ever, now I know I should get a nose jobâ
âGet a Gursimer mug for your goldfish Samanthuelâ
A man with the biggest eyebags and the most dandruff in the universe. Heâs popular but annoying, cocky with a superiority complex. If a girlâs named Drishya though sheâs precious and gorgeous.
âDrishyaâs got punched because he was being annoying againâ
âBut a Drishya mug for your pet rat Georgioâ
Reads a lot, especially wattpad. Goes for personality over looks. Is a pretty quiet person and nice but honest.
âAshleyâs dating that one dudeâ
âThat one??? She can do so much betterâ
âBuy an Ashley mug for your handicapped bestie Alâ