Someone who is rolling in their grave so hard that they start to drill a massive cave, like the eponymous Pokémon.
War martyrs become Excadrill when their descendants embrace the very ideology they fought so hard against.
Something that solves many problems with a single action, i. e. killing many birds with one stone. Named for what was responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs; since birds are dinosaurs, that means that the asteroid (a stone) killed many birds.
(cx is pronounced "ksh")
Snow is my Chicxulub asteroid; it gets me away from all my problems and helps me to feel better.
Somewhere you go to hide in defeat, usually a recycling bin, or just for fun. Refers to Timon's game over screen in a bootleg Lion King game on the NES, where he digs a hole, jumps in, and buries himself inside, presumably as a method of suicide.
I went into the Timon pit after everything fell apart.