Justifiably. Effective. Fantastic. Fulminator.
It Is a chainsaw. With explosive charges on it.
That's right, It's Jeff the Motherfucking Explosives Chainsaw.
Clueless individual: Why's that thing called "J.E.F.F"?
JEFF: I'll break into your house and stare at you all night.
The word for measuring time and space with no end, going beyond that of the ever-expanding universe, basically to describe beyond infinite.
The actual fragmentation of reality within one word.
This guy: Oh wow, I wonder if there's something beyond the universe
This other guy: Probably, must be a Rheaon.
Guy: I love you a Rheaon
Girl: Why are you in my house?
"I will find my helmet"
"Please do so you can still give me head"
"I will find my helmet"
"Please do so you can still give me head"
"Very Helmet-headed of you"
Something so good you have a stroke.
"This is bestererererererererestrererererer than anything I've ever seen"