Bum Doo Bum Bum Doowa Bum Doo Bum Doowa.
Song In My Singing Monsters Plant Island.
Hey Guys You Guys Heard That Song That Goes, Bum Doo Bum Doowa
Word You Right When You Try To Make And Then Make Then Rock And Taro And Cacti. Qarteratruactuariumartaraqueisardarockalabyrontheropyrustesterestriality, Qarteratruactuariumartaraqueisardarockalabyrontheropyrustesterestriality, Qarteratruactuariumartaraqueisardarockalabyrontheropyrustesterestriality, And Then You Decide It!
Man Yesterday Was A Qarteratruactuariumartaraqueisardarockalabyrontheropyrustesterestriality Day!
Why Because It Obviously A Qarteratruactuariumartaraqueisardarockalabyrontheropyrustesterestriality Moment!
My Favorite Word Is Qarteratruactuariumartaraqueisardarockalabyrontheropyrustesterestriality!
damn bro you really thought this would work?
People write this when they are bored so much they would rather be in a white room than be this bored.
people write this when you write qaz and wsx then diagonally from the other side: plm, okn. then just write the rest
im bored. im gonna write something. qazwsxplmoknertyuidfghjcvb!