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- I love you so much and appreciate you and everything that you’ve done to help me. I genuinely believe that you’re the one for me. You’re perfect in every single way. I love you to my core. You make me truly happy, even thinking of your name makes me happy. I miss you all day everyday, I want to call you but I’m too scared. Anyway I love you. You’ve helped me beyond your knowledge. You make my heart happy, it’s the best thing to see you smile. It honestly makes my heart happy when I see you looking at me. I don’t think you or I can even begin to comprehend how in love you I am. Whenever you get even near me I smile and get all bubbly. I genuinely love you with all of my heart. You’re just an amzing person and I cannot wait until high school, so you can be MY amazing person. I just want to hold you and let you know how much I love you. Just agh I could go on all day about how much I love you. But I won’t, but still I love you.


by Thisyounglove December 15, 2018

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