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1) If the US is a person, and Florida is the dick, then Jacksonville is the oozing venarial wort on the shaft of America's cock.
2) A city that always smells like a combination of urine and burned coffee
3) Murder rate capitol USA
4) A city that should be part of Georgia so that Florida can vote correctly for a change
5) The most racist city in America
6) a city named to honor the closest thing to Hitler America has ever produced
7) A true shithole
8) A place you have to drive through to get to decent places to live and/or go

Man, I gotta go to Miami this weekend....FUCK that means I have to drive through Jacksonville

by Thropy March 9, 2009

129👍 127👎


Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Community Organization that opperates in low income mostly minority communities. Engages in Organizing these communites to promote social change through door-to-door canvassing. Was instramental in Florida's Minimum wage campaign in 2004, and then later Minimum Wage Campaigns in several other states. ACORN came under intense scrutiny in 2008 when Republicans tried to tie the organizations Voter Registration activites to fraud and therefore President Obama, who was a former community organizer (though not with ACORN) and breifly represented the organization, along with the Illinois Department of Justice, in a lawsuit aimed at making voting more accessable. ACORN has consistantly denied the allegations, and as of today has not been found guilty of any wrong doing.

ACORN organizers are easily identifiable by the red t-shirts and clipboards. You'll find them in nearly every true hood in America

by Thropy March 9, 2009

44👍 70👎

Turtle Boy

Turtle Boy refers to a statue in downtown Worcester, Ma of a boy either riding or "riding" a large sea turtle.

According to the city of Worcester and those few souls left in this town with a degree of snobbishness, the boy is riding the turtle.

According to anyone who passes by it and looks, the boy is fucking that turtle and the turtle is giving one hell of an "o-face!"

Proponents of the riding theory point to the fact that the boy, while naked, has his penis hidden by the turtle.

Proponents of the "riding" theory point to the fact that yes, the penis is hiden...in the fucking turtle.

While the turtle is making an "O-face" the boy is smiling slyly and smacking the ass....er shell I guess.

Strangely enough, the statue was made by the same guy who did the Lincoln Memorial in DC....which makes me think something is seriously sick about the Lincoln Memorial in DC.

There is no way that the statue is anything other than a boy fucking a turtle. Everyone who sees Turtle Boy knows that it is a statue of a boy fucking a turtle.

By the way....this is no joke, seriously, Worcester has a statue of a boy fucking a turtle

by Thropy April 7, 2009

43👍 7👎


1) A Squalid Hell Hole in upstate New York
2) A real life Dickens tragedy
3) A place that is unique in that it is stuck in a 50's mindset with and mid 80's drug problem
4) A soul sucking trap few ever escape from
5) The place where Susan B Anthony was tried for voting
6) A town full of crazy homeless vietnam vets....including one who washes his ass in public drinking fountains and another that beleives it is possible to telepathically communicate with Captain Kirk by chewing on tinfoil (NO JOKE)
7) A town that employs all the assholes kicked off of the NYPD because they don't want to pay for training
A town with NO middle class....RICH OR POOR that's it
8) The place where Wild Irish Rose is made.
9) A good place to fuck with French Canadian tourists

French Canadian Tourist: Esquizes Mois Se vos plais....can you tell me how to get to (ANY DESTINATION)

Native Canandaiguan: Yeah, easy....se that light, go there take a left, when you get to Freshour rd, take another left and then just keep going. Can't miss it. When you think your lost...it's right there, seriously!

French Canadian Tourist: Merci!

Native Canadaiguan: Bocu....you fucking wine slurping frog!

by Thropy March 9, 2009

86👍 37👎