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British Optimus Prime. Improbably amazing adventure ponce. Badass with a badass colour scheme.

Thunder, thunder Thunderclash HOOOOOOOO!

by ThunderclashPrime January 16, 2021

1👍 1👎

Human projectile

When you weren't wearing a seatbelt and was shot out of the windshield in a car crash effectively becoming street meat.

"Remember kids if you don't use a seatbelt you will become a Human projectile!"

by ThunderclashPrime October 27, 2021


City located on Cybertron. Where Megatron comes from. Also the codename of Damus who wears a Deception symbol shaped mask. Leader of the DJD.

Holy shit it's Tarn! Fuck this I'm out.

by ThunderclashPrime January 16, 2021

Clinken clunken

What the Germans call a seatbelt.

"Zat man just became a human projectile!"

"He should have put on his Clinken clunken!"

by ThunderclashPrime October 27, 2021

Rastafarian spunk-bubble

1) Just a funny set of words.

2) The sperm bubble of a Jamaican.

Oi you dropped the bloody teapot you Rastafarian spunk-bubble

by ThunderclashPrime August 24, 2021

Thew Adams

Yo what the fuck bro? You don't know who this guy is?

This guy is an absolute badass.
He also really likes Skywarp.

Thew Adams:"Dashing Thew the snooooooow!"

by ThunderclashPrime January 16, 2021


A type of heavy metal that seeks to educate its audience on topics such as history or social politics.

"Dude Sabaton is so cool!"
"Yeah talk about great metaleducation"

by ThunderclashPrime October 27, 2021