An alternate spelling of "Agency."
The teenager claimed his own ajency to his parents.
Variation of "brainfog." Mostly experienced by hot tub and sauna users who stayed in too long.
Freddie emerged from the hot sauna with an obvious case of brainfrog.
The decentralized Web3 equivalent of Wikipedia.
His WikiWeb3 page provided invaluable research information for the newspaper article.
A unique way to spell "distraction."
Her eyes proved too much of a distraktion for his concentration.
The combination of "evidently" and "apparently." An inclusive word choice, that acknowledges its origins.
Evapparently, she didn't like his joke.
When animal lovers take a pause from an activity.
She pawsd her work to prepare dinner.
The spelling of "accuracy" for those who are just not sure.
His accuraci at hitting the target was not very good.