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Slang term for female vagina; (as opposed to the male vagina) i.e snatch, pussy, cunt, hole

Man, I'd like to get some of her twiffer.

by TobyU September 18, 2007

17👍 7👎


When used as an expletive- Very offensive to religious (Christian) people. Calling for God to "DAMN" condemn something.
Why this became "using the Lord's name in vain" I do not see it.

2: Adjective- Like many other profane adjectives. Used to describe a noun that is very much disliked.
This use is not "anti-religious" in any way, but still offends most.

1: After smashing thumb with hammer...."goddamn it" Many times "dammit"

2: "I hate this God-Damn(ed)hammer".....Substitute any profane adjective here and it is the same.
"Fucking" hammer, "Shittin" hammer, "piece of shit" hammer

Why is it so morally wrong to wish for God's eternal damnation of something(noun) you hate. You are not actually asking God directly as if speaking to him/praying to him and asking for His eternal damnation of something....but why is is so immoral even if you asked.

Regardless...Context! Context! Context!...This is what matters in the mainstream world.....not just in church or with the ladies for tea.
And being used as an adjective is quite accepted today and not thought of as some sort of direct insult/slam/blaspheme/sin toward GOD.

by TobyU September 17, 2007

275👍 93👎