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American origin: The act of grahaming is to not shower for days on while wearing a new or fresh set of clothes everyday.

Scents associated with grahaming are composed of B.O., sweat, moist but moldy gym socks, and rabbit ass.

Grahaming can be taken care of in two ways:
A) Scrub Party: Taking iron scrubbers and scrubbing the victim down (including genitalia) until fully clean or raw skin covers the entire body.


B) Death: Self-explanitory.

Man #1 - Brother, that gentleman in aisle 4 has been grahaming for the past 12 weeks...

Man #2 - Shall we call the police?

Man #1 - Nay I say, we shall purchase iron scrubbers and have our annual Scrub Party!

Man #2 - Why are you talking so weird...?

by Todd the Fox September 8, 2010

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