this is when a polyamorous relationship blossoms from sexual intercourse with two partners simultaneously in a love triangle.
i just wish we had a three-waytionship years ago. I love hanging out with both of you.
This is when a person deperstly avoids any contact with a Jahovahs witness when one (or sometimes many) approache(s)you with pamphlets and or other intrusive methods of religious conversion. These white shirt wearing mountain bike riding bible thumping extremists are often hard to get rid of. There are different degrees and extremes of this religious harassment which may have varying degrees of reaction from the victim which may include avoiding known Jahova's hot spots, getting a guard dog or relocating to an area with no forwarding address.
"Hi, do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ? Oh hell no, I'm in the Jahova's witness protection program how did you find me?!?
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