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A libertarian believes his right to swing his arms ends where his neighbor's nose begins. Government's sole function is to guard that relationship.

A libertarian won't dump used motor oil where it will taint someone else's water.

by TomS April 13, 2006

230👍 428👎


Manglish is the English spoken by Keralites (Malayalees) of the state of Kerala in India with a Malayalam accent and pronunciation, especially by those who studied in Malayalam medium and government schools and propogated by the Malayalam media.

Examples of Manglish:
kangaroo (the worst offended word, Malayalees pronounce as “kanGAROO” instead of “KANgroo”)
Koala (pronounced as 'kola' instead of 'ko-ala')
mixed, fixed (pronounced as 'miksed', 'fiksed' instead of 'miksd', 'fiksd')
bear, pear, wear (pronounced as ‘biyar’, ‘piyar’, 'wiyer' instead of ‘beye’, ‘peye’, 'weye'
aliby (pronounced 'alibi' instead of 'alebai')
heart (pronounced'hurrrt' instead of 'haat')
murder (pronounced 'murrdar' instead of 'mede')
auto (pronounced as "aatto" instead of "otto")
Queen (prounounced as “kyuun” instead of “kween”)
biennale (pronounced as “binale” instead of “bienale”)
place names – Ohio, Seattle, Utah, Sultan's Battery (pronounced as “ohiyo, seetl, ootha, soolthan batheri” instead of “ohayo, siyatl, yuta, Sultan's Bateri”)
tortoise (pronounced as ‘tortois’ instead of “totis” )
turtle (pronounced as ‘turrrtil’ instead of “tutl” )
Mascot Hotel (pronounced as “muskut HOtel” instead of “MAScot hoTEL”)
bass (pronounced as ‘baas’ instead of “beis”)
twitter (pronounced as “tyooter” instead of “twiter”)
birthday (pronounced as “birthaday” instead of “buthdei”)
garage (pronounced as “garej” instead of “gaRAZH/gaRAJ”)
chassis (pronounced as “chasis” instead of “shasi”)
pizza (pronounced as "pisa" instead of "pitza")
nazi (pronounced as 'nasi' instead of 'natzi')
our (pronounced as "avar" instead of "aue")
flour (pronounced as "flower" instead of "flaue")
alarm (pronounced as "alarum" instead of "alaam")

by TomS January 21, 2020

38👍 6👎