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The term AFROSTATIC derives from the kind of wavy hair that isn't of lustrous quality.but like a lions mane is not tameable,especially in humidity.

Once out of the shower and her hair was dry, there was no taming her AFROSTATIC head.

by Tonuoytihsi August 22, 2019


So you want to loose some chub and start exercising, or better yet.step up your game in an already existing (exercise) routine.
That energised feeling of endorphins after a good work out.
She was so energised from her EXERGIZE. She could take on the world!!!

She was so full of sexual tension it was definitely time to EXERGIZE.
He was so sick of his mobs from binging on box sets and beer , it was time for some EXERGIZE

by Tonuoytihsi August 22, 2019


like heat exhaustion but on another level.

Like tanning on Mars another level.
HEAT EXTORTION extorted by your own body for crying in the melting heat.
Exhausted by the sunshine.

You do not know what hot is!
I am melting from HEAT EXTORTION, pass me the water and make it splashy.

by Tonuoytihsi August 22, 2019