Source Code

Spaghetti Salad

When a woman is tossing a man's salad and her tongue gets tangled up in his long ass hole hairs.

Betty and Sal were enjoying a spaghetti salad when she was shocked by his lack of manscaping.

by TopThree October 6, 2017

5👍 1👎

Mouth glitter

When a woman with braces smiles after a man blows a load on her mouth.

I was blinded by Peggy's mouth glitter.

by TopThree October 6, 2017

Thumb War

When a man inserts one thumb in a woman's vagina and another in her asshole and twiddles his thumbs.

Mike could not win the thumb war while playing with Jenni last night, but Jenni won.

by TopThree October 6, 2017

3👍 3👎

Roger & Ebert Award

When a guy inserts 2 thumbs up a woman's asshole.

Mary enjoyed the Roger & Ebert award she received last night.

by TopThree October 6, 2017

1👍 1👎

Bush Shower

When you're having sex, pull out, and cum on her bush and then you piss on her bush to shower it off.

Danny blew such a big load that Diane needed a bush shower to clean up.

by TopThree October 6, 2017