the helper in neon nados (a former mod) who doesnât know how to motor lock.
hey tepec, you suck lmao imagine not having mod go cry
One of the most pro ppl known to be in neon nados. he is pro at motorlocking and at being pro :swag:. He is pro frien too. one of best people in the neon nados. 10/10 ngl. I'm happi he is frien.
User1: the
±lock: :Tro:
My xian h-20 finally is flying without 0 gravity
±lock: Chair
A discord server (created by madvulpen) which has what many would consider the worst moderation on the planet. The staff consist of a cat an F-22 and a Canadian (All other staff are irelivant). Vulpen (the owner) has for some unknown reason banned the posting of any anime. We might never know why. Only around 50 of the 2000 people in the server actualy speak. Most of the members are undes and everyweek undes are jailed and or banned. Most conversations are about sex or war thunder. The community is fairly toxic but friendly to you depending if you make a good first impression.
User1 : when will Neon Nados moderation be fixed
User2: cry about it lmao
User 3: burger
User1: Ga
User3: Ga
User2: Ga
User3: Ga
User1: Ga
I youtuber that makes plane crazy content. Spends day to day life in the neon nados. He is easily triggered by being pinged randomly and Images of damaged jets. He is easy to annoy and also very annoying
User1: bruh can someone mute atomic
User2: !mute AtomicBooy1 10hr
Who's morfix you ask? Just your friendly neighbourhood snow lepoard! He loves tuna and warm milk. He's the second best mod in the server Neon Nados. He's a really nice guy and is good at plane crazy too! When you're bored or just don't have anyone to talk to, morfix is always there for you! He's an amazing friend :3
User1 : The j
Morfix: !urban mango favor
Mee6: No reults found
The most cursed discord server you'll ever see. Created in March 2021 and Deleted July 2021 it consisted mostly of members from the neon nados. Its original intention was as a server for AtomicBooy1 and his friends then it evolved into a discord for his youtube channel and then into what it is most known for today, being cursed. We don't talk about hiroshima boiz, ever. Screenshots of the server is all that is left of it. Its gone, reduced to atoms. Only members of the server and remnents of it remain in the form of screenshots. Major members consisted of a girl who had an obsetion with zero two. A man from Alabama who had a pet lizzard. Two spanish individuals Chlteer and Ferny. Astro one of the most inactive ppl now and an 11 year old who had an obsetion with zero two hentai. It is gone but certainly not forgotten. Should we forget it? Should we remember it? We might never know.
User1: You remember HiroshimaBoiz?
User2: :trollnt:
User3: We don't talk about that
International trigger atomic day (ITAD) is a day in which you get to trigger atomic in however way you want an he cannot do anything about it. This day accours on the 19th of January every year. I will not leak too much info but atomic is triggerd by ppl calling jets the wrong name and when you post images of damadged jets. Good luck ;)
Hey its I.T.A.D lets go harrass atomicbooy. This is gonna be fun watching him rage.