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1) an item consisting of a rubber bag, tube and nozzle, used to clean a woman's vagina
2) a male over the age of eight wearing a pink polo shirt, usually with popped collar, and usually wearing a badly-clashing baseball cap, many times backwards
2a) includes males who also wear cowry-shell or "pooka"-shell necklaces, Livestrong bracelets in various colors/for other causes, prefer oversized Phat Farm, Vans or DC sneakers with huge "tongues". Some also wear large amounts of fake-gold chains and fake-diamond earrings, and hit on girls much younger than they
2b) subset of douchebags includes "bros", aka "brahs"; many of these play X-Box and think that it is a decent gaming system
3) People who have actually said, in all seriousness, "No fat chicks"

Did you see Anthony? He's wearing that pink fuckin' polo shirt with the popped collar again! What a fuckin' douchebag!

Kevin Federline man, what a douchebag!

by TranceGemini January 11, 2007

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