More can be rendered in each upper dimension
New dimensions and possibility constants
New categories existing
Giga additions and additionality enhancements
Postsingularity is also a postexponentia and despite suppression of postscarcity so is postscarcity
New optimeters and degrees of freedom and efficiencies
That megastar and it's superearths appear to be able to host postexponentia.
Once we invested in neofields modernity we experienced a postexponentia.
The transcension hypothesis and sciences completion, along with postexponentia like knowledge uploads and intelligence amplification, caused a postexponentia too.
Time travel and inter timeline practices is a manifest post-exponentia also
To not be saturated (in and of certain andor uncertain multi-)experientia, to be above saturation, andor to be receptive to saturation. This may include vibes andor varying low andor mid andor high frequency activity andor context andor process andor pattern andor quality andor environment andor other (some say energy). Transaturate. Noun, verb, adjective. Colloquial transaturation such as interlocating, state of mind and body and other change, timespace alterations, and to current state exotic experientia of higher qualia type and potential. Also as per latter mention, to bask, to behold, to render, to interawe, to more breadthfully experience.
Some schools of thought and practice have even extended this procept (pro concept) to the n^th in reverse (from the n^th) back to a procept entailing form and self and cosmic environment transcendence and ascendence. (See Orion's Arm Encyclopedia Galactica definition of Transaturation Ascension).
An accompanying concept might be physical L.A.N. (local area network) of timespace hosting, andor physical W.A.N. (wireless area network) of timespace hosting. Furthermore, TimeSpaceEnergySpiritProcess (andor however you would extend the summation of existence of 'Time-Space).
'Help I'm stuck in a physical sim instead of my customised supercluster altered reality!'
'Transaturate your way in transolvance of multiverse!'
'We can just enjoy a pleasant omnimeridian enlightenment patch.'
'Yes, that is also transaturate, my kind of transaturate'
An amalgamation of "meta", "frugal", and "logic".
She couldn't afford so many bananas, but she ended up with ample. What a mefrugic process she employed.
A higherform to higherforms, the ascendent and transcendent planes above and better than already good planes of existence and being, the god(s) beyond god(s), a superior performance andor skill andor creativity andor spirit andor self-actualisation and self-realisation and so on by a god that has become a HyperGod andor of a HyperGod andor has andor is enacting qualities of HyperGodhood. Likewise an ascendent andor ascended God.
Usually expressed as hyper-dimensional, however that is not the only case, there are many more senses of 'HyperGod' and 'HyperGodhood'.
Also used to consider godlike salvation and eschatonic rapture investments and upwardbound already savedness yet for and of and from higherforms, in other words; HyperHeaven of andor for the God(s) - Just in case.
What do you think they're up to now whilst we're enlightening one another alongside these transcendent metaphysical spirit programs?
Working on HyperGodhood with HyperGods - even if that's occassionally their Aeonic futures selves and others of more optimal timelines and civilisations, of nighomnicourse.
Oversupervising floating obselete andor oversupervising floating fallacy andor oversupervising floating evil; oversalient kludge (whether "fact" andor dynamic andor practice andor other other of a physical sim andor investment andor information of inforsphere andor noosphere)
Something against andor in conflict of usage with a foreseeable andor unforeseeable better optimal, especially in retrospect
We know it's both good and bad 2050s scifi
Because the characters and optimalities and worldbuild are divine and so is the sciences but it's bad decayed data because of misfabricated problemreactionsolution conplication to support evil and they still speak of dyson sphere investments when we now know that stars and systems are FreeSpace FreeReign Cosmic and that any reputable dyson sphere stellar engineering megastructure organisation would choose ethical of Mega fusion ignition if needed instead of star capture.
These dentists and gyms and surgeons operate through decayed data
How so?
Aside from Big Pharma quota by sacrificialists, Because their practices are scarfully dangerous now that dall.e.drug invented several no side effects fitness pills and tooth and gum regrowing designer drugs and antiaging chemical cocktails and unscarring meds along with no downside nootropics, dall.e.gene too now
But it's not completely obselete
Okay then
Some Star Trek and Star Wars is decayed data like some other television media
But they got the smartphone right, and the holodeck!
Which isn't decayed data then until that is too if it is, but it might be of way of that the crew die per teleport and never mention live freely as part of their utopian paradigm, and that empires often institute welfare and healthcare and aren't blanketly evil but discern and proactive what you should and must even if cosmic data science
One up better of a silver lining
A great beneficial positive
Silver lining: a positive from a situation like metaphorically from an overcast day andor a dreary storm andor rain such as newwer water andor a majestic rainbow.
Golden lining: even better than a silver lining, a great positive
How do you think Spiritual Science is progressing?
Well, nearly every advance in Spiritual Science including Soul Research indicates a better and even better Golden Lining (plural)
Suffix andor noun andor adjective
Tronium: The utmost of, the essence of, the process of, the product of, the substance of, the idealised (form) of, the optimised (form) of.
Classic examples: computronium, utilitronium.
Nonclassic examples: Sensitronium, mathtronium, simtronium, electronium, chronotronium, intellitronium, dimentronium, spiritronium, cosmotronium, metatronium, infortronium, multitronium, transtroniumâ¦
The abacus and other computational device distant derivatives became a computational tronium as evident in and of modern computers