An individual, usually a female, who parties excessively, sometimes for days at a time. Generally under the influence of copious amounts of alcohol (possibly even drugs).
Trashbags engage in crazy behaviour that is considered socially unacceptable to boring non-trashbag people but don't give a damn because they always have fun.
In order to measure the extent of a true Trashbag you would have to take into consideration:
1. How long they have been 'trashbagging it'.
2. How crazy they are or have been whilst 'trashbagging it'.
3. How devoted they are to the art of Trashbagging.
Some Trashbag activities may include passing out in your car, vomiting on police officers shoes, hooking up with various hot footy players, waking up in hospital with no recollection of how you got there or even who you are and engaging in sex pest behaviour.
Trashbags always know everyone on the 'scene'. They are always popular and regularly brought up in conversations because of the latest interesting activities they've participated in and they are loads of fun.
A true Trashbag will have the word 'TRASHBAG' tattooed somewhere on their body, generally down the side of the index finger.
Girl 1: "Do you know Kimmy?"
Girl 2: "Of course, she's a true Trashbag!"
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