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cherry boy

Military term used to describe a new or inexperienced soldier. Can also be used by Asian prostitutes to describe a virgin.

Watch out troop. The juicy girls can sniff out a cherry boy at 100 meters.

by Trav September 24, 2004

530👍 135👎

alpha wiskey

Alpha Wiskey – Military slang cover term for toilet paper, or ass wipe.

Night Hawk 7 Romeo, Night Hawk 7 Romeo. This is Dagger 7. Tap Night Hawk 7 actual on the shoulder and tell him to bring 3 boxes of Alpha Wiskey with him when he rolls to our site. How copy over?

by Trav March 28, 2005

47👍 3👎

backdoor draft

Backdoor draft – Military term used to describe the current government policy of keeping troops in the military beyond their original enlistment contracts through the utilization of “stop loss orders” (keeping specific shortage job specialties such as military intelligence and aviation in) and “stop movement orders” (locking down entire units so that troops can’t leave the military or rotate out into another unit). Some troops have spent one to two years serving past their enlistment contract or retirement date.

“Man, it sucks to be SGT Johnson.”
“Why’s that?”
“He had a scholarship to UT set up but now the Army’s keeping him in for another year to send him back to Iraqistan.”
“Is he going to loose his scholarship?”
“Probably. Damn backdoor draft.”

by Trav February 10, 2005

56👍 9👎

alley troll

Crusty, low class madams in Korea who are usually 50-60 years old or older. They earn a living by trying to lure drunk or naive GIs into coming back and seeing their "nice young girl". The nice young girl usually turns out to be about the same age as the alley troll.

Holy crap! Johnson just got pulled away by that alley troll! He must be desperate.

by Trav September 24, 2004

57👍 9👎

slow elk

Southernism term for a domestic cow that was shot from the roadside and butchered in the field.

Jeb keeps his deep freeze stocked with slow elk.

by Trav September 24, 2004

70👍 3👎

long softy

A semi-erect penis that gives the false impression that its' owner is well hung.

Man, that chick just walked in on me in the shower! Luckily I had a long softy going on.

by Trav September 27, 2004

61👍 7👎

kimchi squat

Military slang term for the way that 90% of the people of Asia sit. To properly execute the kimchi squat you must be able to touch your buttocks to your Achilles’ tendons while simultaneously keeping your feet firmly planted flat on the ground.

Most Asians can hold this position for hours while waiting on a bus, smoking a cigarette, shooting the shit, or just taking one.

Fewer than 5% of the population of the USA can execute this modified sitting position.

"Jones has gone so native; he was spotted on the street corner in the kimchi squat eating boiled fish paste on a stick."

"I thought that old lady was trying to give me head on the bus yesterday when she did the kimchi squat right in front of me"

by Trav June 30, 2005

171👍 23👎