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Acronym for Inflated Lat Syndrome. ILS is a primal threat/mating display observed in the human male. The ILS display involves the male human holding out it’s arms away from it’s body at approximately a 20-40 degree angle and then walking with a slow deliberate gait inorder to look more imposing to other humans. The posture is used primarily as a form of non-verbal communication such as a mating display to attract or impress females or as a defense or dominance posture to appear larger to a threat or to intimidate rival males.

ILS displays can be observed :
In the gym after an insecure male works out for 3-5 minutes.
On the beach when a single male approaches a group of females.
When a male enters a bar or dance club.
When a male is too scared to throw the first punch in a fight.
On the outside of mosh pits by the bouncer who’s had enough of sweaty punks bumping in to him.

Dude. Check the wigger with ILS and a bad attitude coming through the door, he must think he’s the shit or something. Lets kick his ass later.

by Trav October 27, 2004

359👍 85👎

burn in

Military term used to describe the action a paratrooper smacking into the ground after their parachute fails to open.

Damn! Did you see Johnson burn in. He must’ve bounced 20 or 30 feet in the air when he hit.

by Trav September 27, 2004

73👍 22👎