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A way of describing and rating someone or something's undesirability or unattractiveness.

The man known simply as 'Gundy' woke up in a pool of scrogness.

A lady exited the bar and spewed all over the pavement in front of me, then sat down and began urinating herself, she was a woman of particular scrogness, i had to have her.

by TreeBeard May 13, 2014


1. The opposite of micro. When referencing an idea: large, high scientific, philosophical, or spiritual. Outside of the average everyday meaning or functional purpose.
2. Referencing something a layer deeper than is the norm, esp in a jocular way.

That’s too macro, dude; lay it out more plainly.

“Pass me that square of sequestered carbon molecules”

“It’s called plywood. Stop being so macro.”

by TreeBeard April 3, 2018


A particular breed of woman of less than appealing looks and/or body shape that will be found lurking round bars late at night praying on men whose judgement has been weakened by alcohol, they can also be seen sometimes crying, spewing or fighting, in extreme cases of scrogness all 3.

Gundy stumbled a little and spilt his beer, before the drops could hit the ground a scrogadactyl swooped in at his side her beady eyes alive with evil intentions for her prey, Gundy was in no place to know of his fate as she lead him front the bar like a lamb to the slaughter.

by TreeBeard May 13, 2014


A town in southern Ontario bordering Mississauga and Burlington. East Oakville is filled with rich people.

Among the youth, most people are as fake as the people on The OC, a show which is adored. We have the tendency to turn stupid things into giant soap operas. Filled with shallow, insincere backstabbers who sit back as others try to suck up to them to gain a false sense of friendship. Many people are simply used as an access to booze and house parties. Those who are different are popularized as freakshows. The few nice people who can fit in with anyone are hard to come by, but they make up for everything.

Maybe I'll move to Burlington, cos if I hear someone say "chate" ever again, the newspapers will have some grizzly news.

Oakville can be great fun, or it can be terrible. Don't believe me? Sit back and watch how people are treated here.

by TreeBeard August 9, 2005

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