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Psychological abuse

Breaking someone with words instead of punches, to dominate unfairly.

The long term stress can actually exhaust the body to the point of causing physical damage, even to vital organs. But sadly it's not recognized by the police and doctors, so the victim can end up being the one locked up in a mental institution. The worst abuse is gaslight and is sadly done by health care too, by shaming and invaludating your rightfully sad emotions.

Don't allow disrespect or they will do worse than kill you. They will destroy who you are, your feelings, your self esteem, your joy, your capacity to run away by making you think you deserve pain and that's what love is (it's not), they will destroy your will to live and turn your life into hell.

It's one of the the true causes of "mental illness". It's an imbalanced between your needs and limits. (Neglect and abuse.) Don't allow abuse in any form, psychological can be worse than physical, it's harder to notice, stop and heal. And it's often the start of physical, sexual, financial abuse later. So take that huge red flag seriously right away! You could end up killed.

Not to be confused with constructive feedback from someone expressing their boundaries or needs. Cruel criticism is to break you into a slave, to make you give up your boundaries and needs, for their benefits at your peril.

He enjoys doing psychological abuse to his wife. By insulting anything she does, or doesn't do, or he even invent lies to justify his abuse. Because he feels humiliated at work and being the bully makes him feel higher.

A mom do psychological abuse by belittling her children, they're never good enough. Because that's how she feels after her divorce or when lovers dump her, and she wants to shift the blame, using the kids as a mirror for how bad she feels about herself.

People shouldn't used loved ones to vent frustrations that have nothing to do with them, scream in pillows.

People shouldn't destroy other people's self esteem to boost their own. Pick a hobby and gradually get better at it.

by TreeOfWolf December 24, 2021

12👍 2👎

New normal

A form of gaslight to invaludate your need to reverse an abnormal situation. It's to prevent you to fight to get your freedom back.

The covid 19 restrictions on your breathing, freedom to go out, see your loved ones, work, choose medical interventions freely... Are not temporary to flatter the curve. This is the new normal. Give up your human rights, body autonomy, and children. Accept segregation with the vaccine passport (it's not racist this time, but for profits, so it's ok.)

The government are dictators now, it's for your own good because you're too stupid to do self care and must be blamed for everything, welcome to the new world order.

Obey or die.

Covid is of the common cold family virus, with 99% chances of survival. But feel terror and obey us. Don't take cold medicine or grandma's bone broth soup, take the vaccine and if it doesn't work let yourself die so we can scare people into obedience with manipulated statistics and alarmust predictions, and asymptomatic cases.

This abnormal painful torture isn't going back to the abusive dark ages, this is the new normal. Accept it without fighting back for freedom.

by TreeOfWolf December 24, 2021

16👍 23👎