dropping 'i like turtles' at random or inappropriate moments in a conversation. This phrase was made famous by that stupid kid on the internet when asked a question which did not merit an 'i like turles' response. It can be funny if used sparingly... very sparingly.
person1: that test was nothing what i expected, i hope i passed.
person2: yeah, that test was tough.
person1: it's like, could she have made that test any harder?
person3: I like turtles.
person1: you're retarded.
person2: i thought it was kind of funny. it helps that he does it sparingly! Nice 'I like turtles' bomb, person3.
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A very attractive, and equally talented actress who has worked in such films as Watchmen, Sin City and countless others and appearerd as a regular on Entourage. She may very well be one of the sexiest women in Hollywood today and likely will be for the forseeable future and beyond. She is stunnning.
Guy1: Wow, I just saw Sin City for the 97th time. Carla Gugino is so gorgeous.
Guy2: Who?
Guy1: Your manhood is seriously in question right now.
42👍 2👎
In a discussion, the act of threatening to call another person in an attempt to get the other person to retract their story (often an uncreative, mostly unsuccessful, last ditch attempt for the threatening party).
James: Hey, so i got into an argument with my girlfriend and tried Phone-Baiting her.
Tom: Aww, dude. That's lame. Did it work?
James: Nope. She did leave me though.
A one time highschool douchebag jock who now moves boxes in a warehouse for a living.
James: Hey, I stopped into Great Buy for their free-phone friday and I ran into Jeff. Guess what he's up to now?
Tom: What?
James: He's a box jock in the warehouse. Guess he should have paid attention in calc.
Tom: That sucks. Pass the joint, dude.
25👍 5👎
To be bitten on the nipple, usually in an erotic way.
Person1: My girlfriend loves to sponaneously bite my nipples during sex.
Person2: Yeah, she definitely does. She also likes being the one licked and nipped--Oh shit!
33👍 13👎
1. The state of being so drunk where you refer to yourself as a "funk drun" instead of fun drunk like you intended.
Person 1: Angela was so drunk she called herself a funk drun and everyone laughed, like this, "Hahahehahahahe. Oh! Hahaha."
Person 2: You're terrible at telling stories. Why are you so weird, person 1?