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Useful Idiot

Unthinking proponents of socialism and/or communism.
You can usually find them swarming the internet, participating in riots to promote tolerance, attempting to think up questions for themselves to answer, or sitting in Starbucks with their friends discussing the failings of capitalism over a light frappuccino.

Useful idiots are a conglomeration of trendies, brainwashed Marxists, ex-hippies (now college professors), "quirky" wannabe-intellectuals, migrant street thugs, girlish B.A. students/uni-drones, and Michael Moore.

In 1952 Doris Lessing, a British writer who has since won the Nobel Prize for Literature, was part of a delegation visiting the Soviet Union.

Her memories of the trip are clear and unforgiving:

“I was taken around and shown things as a 'useful idiot'... that's what my role was. I can't understand why I was so gullible.”

--From the BBC, of all places.

by Trice7UK August 10, 2010

4674👍 700👎


Annoying 120lb toothpicks running around in tight trousers and even tighter t-shirts.
Tend to (falsely) believe they're witty, eccentric, and refined, when in reality they have zero interests of their own and need to cling on to anything viewed as "uncool" to have something to talk about.

They're very head-strong, particularly when it comes to politics, an area in which they view themselves as enlightened.

Love to read just for the sake of it; they rarely take anything away from the texts. Chomsky is a favourite, as is Voltaire.
They also write -- most will attempt poetry, or a novel, which will be set in a far-off fantasy world with characters named "Takeshi" and "Riku".

Music-wise, hipsters love anything which isn't popular: mainly indie bands straight out of the sub-urban garage complete with nasal American singing and vain, repetitive lyrics.

You can usually find them in Starbucks on a Tuesday morning complaining in their blog, attending local protests (they have to maintain the image of being rebellious), or crawling around in the woods taking photographs of dead leaves.

Hipster: Look at me! I'm wearing tight black trousers with PINK striped socks and *blue* hair! I'm so eccentric lolz.
Hermit math wiz: No, I'm eccentric: I live with 200 cats, eat their food, and have a 163 IQ.

Hipster: Am I a connoisseur or do I just have too much time on my hands? You decide! ;)

by Trice7UK August 11, 2010

197👍 244👎