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The physical consummation of a bromance. Some examples could be from playing video games, to having one on one conversations, to shootin' hoops.

Two bromancers meet up after not seeing each for some time and are sort of surprised and they say emphatically, "what up man! Show me some BROVE!" and then they proceed to do a bro hug (half handshake half hug).

by Trojan29 March 7, 2009

22👍 7👎

Bachelor Party

An attempt by a man's friends to celebrate their bachelorhood by filling a weekend with as many vivid illustrations and experiences to make said man hyper-aware of all of the great things about bachelorhood that he will be giving up.

I can't wait to go to my bachelor party so all of my friends can have an awesome time doing all of things I can no longer do.

by Trojan29 March 25, 2009

66👍 25👎

false sense of humor

An inflated feeling that one has a good sense of humor because his/her significant other laughs at all of his/her jokes.

"Dude, why does Adrian think he is so funny, his jokes are lame."
"Because his girlfriend giggles at every single one of his jokes and gives him a false sense of humor."

by Trojan29 June 12, 2009

17👍 2👎