Source Code

Losers & Suckers

The phrase used to describe dead military service members. It's a very sincere way for Draft Dodger Trump to honor the US Military service members.

I told a Trump supporter that I am a veteran and he called me Losers & Suckers

by Trumpflation_$12eggs_$6gas September 6, 2020

86πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

losers & suckers

The way President Donald Trump thinks about US military service members and veterans.

Me (Army veteran)- Hey guys, Veteran's day is in November!
Trump supporter at my job - You mean losers & suckers day!
Me (Army veteran) - That's not nice, Trump supporters like you hate the military.
Trump supporter at my job - Trump loves the military!

by Trumpflation_$12eggs_$6gas September 26, 2020

85πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

RINO Hunting

When a Trump boot-licking "PRO LIFE" Republican threatens the life of other republicans for not agreeing with them 100% on policy.

Republican Missouri Senate candidate Eric Greitens threatens to shoot ( RINO HUNTING )fellow republicans in his latest campaign ad

by Trumpflation_$12eggs_$6gas June 26, 2022

50πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

I just want to find 11,780 votes

When a failure of a fake president gets caught trying to steal an election after accusing everyone of rigging the election against him.

Trump fan- Democratz are tryna steal diz elecshun!
Logical person- Haven't you heard the leaked audio tape? "Γ’Β€Β˜I just want to find 11,780 votesҀ™" President Trump
Trump fan- boy, datz fake news I tell ya!
Logical person- *Plays audio*
Trump fan- *crickets*

by Trumpflation_$12eggs_$6gas January 5, 2021

87πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

Inmate No. P01135809

When you vote for a loser that somehow gets into office and then loses re-election because he sucked at handling a pandemic - COVID-19 . Then incites January 6 and wants more votes

Hey guys You seen that Trump mugshot yet?

Inmate No. P01135809 - I won by a landslide!

by Trumpflation_$12eggs_$6gas August 25, 2023

29πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

tampon tim

The way MAGA republicans salute a 24 year retired Army veteran Tim Walz
Support the troops! The biggest republican hoax ever

Democrat- I love Vice President Tim Walz! He is such a great family man and honorable veteran.
MAGA nutcase- tampon tim!? that guy is stolen valor , I don't even think he ever really served in the military! JD Vance is a better pick for VP!
Democrat- 24 years of military service is a lot more than Bone Spurs Trump

by Trumpflation_$12eggs_$6gas August 7, 2024

16πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Buford and Bernardo

The name that Tom Anderson says when he confuses the names of Beavis and Butt-Head
Much like Buffcoat and Beaver

Butt-Head: Those 2 kids went that way, UGH HUH HUH
Tom: I'm guessing it was Buford and Bernardo , those two are always up to no good
Beavis- Oh yeah, HEH HEH

by Trumpflation_$12eggs_$6gas September 2, 2022

37πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž