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Big gay person that plays pokemon and kirby

look at vimogam play pokemon sword and shield and simp for that wolf

by TrustMeBro October 22, 2020


A really cool dude that will always be there for you and is super nice and cool and will sometimes kidnap that one Asian friend

Look at that funijoke to another Asian kid and threw him back in that Lexus

by TrustMeBro October 24, 2020


Chester is a humble and introverted guy and doesn't like people.
But he has a big and kind heart.
He is cold, he doesn't know how to express his emotions well but he manages to hold a grudge. He cares a lot about the judgments of others, in fact he never manages to be himself 100%. While he may seem cold, reserved, emotionless and indifferent, in reality it might just be him armor of him or maybe he's really IDGAF of the people. He seems to trust people but in reality he can't be comfortable with anyone. He always seems so mysterious, you will never be able to understand what is going on in his head. He is always chill, but when he gets angry (he rarely gets pissed) he can be uncontrollable.

A: Look at this dude…
B: This guy is a Chester for sure!

by TrustMeBro November 21, 2021