Fraudulent Louis Vuitton merchandise. It's estimated that 99% of LV branded goods aren't genuine. If you see someone with an LV bag, it's overwhelmingly likely to be fake.
Basic bitches buy $40 Louis Fauxton bags made out of plastic. Brandthirsty bitches buy $200 Louis Fauxton bags made from canvas and leather. Status whores buy $500+ all-leather Louis Fauxton bags (usually a Capucines or Epi leather) replicated at a perfect 1:1 ratio .
True "AAA" or 1:1" Louis Fauxton bags are almost as rare as genuine LV and can sometimes mistakenly be authenticated and even repaired or heat stamped by LV.
"I can't afford to buy a new Louis Vuitton Empreinte Speedy, so I bought a Louis Fauxton from the back of a Korean taco food truck on Canal Street. Shit was a legit AAA replica, so I couldn't even get a taco after.
The act of someome pretending to have a tattoo that they don't actually have.
This is commonly achieved through image theft, photoshop, temporary tattoos, henna, fabric arm sleeves, markers,or even something as simple as verbal bluffing.
This is a separate phenomenon from people who sport fake tattoos or henna for costuming, acting roles, or decoration without the pretense that the "tattoo" is permanent.
If you find out that you're being tatfished by someone, RUN. The same people will fake pregnancies, suicide attempts, and all manners of things without remorse.
"Did you see Kaylie's awesome new chest piece that she posted on Facebook last week?"
"I just boned her yesterday. Her chest was clear. She's tatfishing you, bro."
"I realized he was tatfishing me with his pubic 'tattoo' after my saliva smudged it."
"Everyone knows that if you ask someone if they have a tattoo and they allude to having one somewhere private, there's a 50/50 chance they're just tatfishing you."