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1. Noun: The best game of 2005 where you play as Razputin (But everyone calls him....Raz.) who is a young boy who ran away from his home in the circus to Whisper Rock Psychic Summer Camp. Raz has to use only his mental powers to find out and stop a horible plot that involves stealing brains and using them in a death tank to SHOOT DOWN INNOCENT CIVILIANS.

2. Noun: A person who is one of the Elite Force of the Psychonauts.

1. "Dude, have you played Psychonauts yet? It's like...The best platformer EVER."
"What sytem is it on?"
"PS2 and X-box."

2. "Sasha Nein is one of the three Psychonaut agents that teach in Whispering Rock."

by Tsukijuun August 6, 2005

88👍 33👎


1. To completely and utterly own or burn someone.
2. To disestablish someone's arguement with a witty comeback on a forum.
3. To kill in a game; to be better at.

Originally a typo of the word own.

Pronunciation: Pown

1. "Hoshiz, did you see how they pwned that jerk?"
2. "Dude, you type like a crack monkey and your generalizations are false; not to mention you suck ass."
3. "Dude, I so pwned you."

by Tsukijuun August 6, 2005

12👍 20👎