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Radiohead 3

A gay place for people who like gay music and gay opinions that they can't keep to themselves. Sparse conversations about Radiohead are rare and just lead to arguments. BANTER!

A Day In The Life:

Cosmo: I'm owner cool
*Cosmo has left chat *
Ozzie has been promoted to admin

Ozzie: Alex Turner is cute!

John: my hair...how could this happen

Spencer: My dad has so much music I'm so lucky to have this fortunate blessing upon me
Tyler: I steal shit also goodbye

*Tyler Has Left Chat*
Brandon: Kill Yourself

(somewhere in a cave Henry shouts from the distance)

*Cosmo has joined *
Cosmo: is Tyler here? K bye
*Cosmo has left the chat*
Rosy: _-_ ¬°¬ yo look at washington

richard : I have an accent

*Tyler Has Joined*
Tyler: I'm back for the 354, 629, 5295 time
*Tyler has been banned*

A gay place. Radiohead 3.

by TyJoi February 20, 2018

3👍 1👎