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Stoners are usually regular, productive members of society; Stoners have jobs, pay bills, can own cars,their own homes, even businesses. Stoners do everything normal, regular people do, except that Stoners also smoke weed. Potheads are those individuals that usually live in their parents basements or their mama's house, can't seem to get their shit together, and usually don't have much going on for themselves except smoking weed.

i.e., "The difference between you and me is that I get up every day, drive my car to my job, pay my rent and my bills, and I smoke weed: I am a Stoner! Whereas you don't work, don't want to work, you just want to smoke weed, borrow money and ride your bike to the store to buy munches: You are a Pothead.

by Tygarr13 July 19, 2013

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