Tyler is the world's most loved goat to ever exist!
But lately, he was accused of insulting a man with Tylerphobia and then the man wanted revenge of his own and tried to feed TylerTheGoat to his cow, which began Goat Lives Matter. #TylerWeAreHereForYou #TylerWeLoveYou #GoatLivesMatter
The fear of goats or more specifically Tyler the goat.
When Tyler the goat does the renegade: Everyone:"AHHHHHHHH" = Tylerphobia BEGINS
This just in, TylerTheGoat has tweeted this, "howuqdcnnk" who knows what that means but whatever it is he is surely calling out ChadTheCow for a fight, sources say.
"howuqdcnnk" #ChadTheCowIsGonnaGetDestroyed #TylerTheGoatIsGonaaWin #WeLoveYouTyler
"Goat Lives Matter!" - Tyler Jr. #TylerRules #TylerWeLoveYou #TylerIsDaBEST #LoveTyler
(NFT's Coming Soon! Only when 10,000 likes reached)
This just in TylerTheGoat will be releasing a distract very soon to quiet ChadTheCow and his owner, sources say. More info later. TylerTheGoat VS. ChadTheCow in the ring?
#TylerWillWin #TylerGetTheDub #TylerWeLoveYou #ChadTheCowsCareerIsOver #TylerTheGoat VS. ChadTheCow