Source Code

Done a number

To injure, hurt or cause harm/damage

I done a number on my back when I lifted that heavy box

by Typicalireland May 13, 2024


A slang word for getting jumped or bet up by a group or just a person

Kid: did you here Tommy got hopped ?!

Kid 2: yea he got hopped by that group of lads down at he park

Kid: he was properly bet up man

by Typicalireland February 23, 2016

31👍 10👎


Normally in Ireland , the park is known as a place where knackers have been hanging out since 2005 you are most likely to get hopped when you go to the park or if you are apart of the crew in the park you usually curse a lot use slang smoke or be a dick

Kid: comin the fucking park lads ?

Kid 2 : yea lad let's see if we could hop some fucking people


Hey wanna go park ?

Nah you know what happened last time Jimmy got hopped

Oh yea not going back there that's where the knackers hang out

by Typicalireland February 23, 2016